Published Articles
More relevant five publications
Manuel J. Senos Matias e Gerald Habberjam
(1986), " The effect of structure and anisotropy on
resistivity measurements", Geophysics, vol. 51,
Manuel J. Senos Matias, M. Marques da Silva, P.
Ferreira, E. Ramalho
(1994), " A Geophysical and Hydrogeological study of
Aquifers contamination by a landfill", Journal of
Applied Geophysics, 32, 155-162.
M. Senos Matias,
2001, “Geofísica Aplicada ao ambiente: Objectivos,
âmbito e alguns exemplos, Comunicações do Instituto
Geológico Mineiro, t.88, 223-236
Senos Matias,
2002, “Square array anisotropy measurements and
resistivity sounding interpretation, Journal of
Applied Geophysics, 49, 185-194.
“Proceedings of the 8th Environmental
and Engineering Geophysical Society, European
Section (EEGS-ES) Annual Meeting, 2002, Aveiro,
Portugal, ISBN 972-789-071-7, 566pp, editores M.
Senos Matias and C. Grangeia.
Since 1999
Granja, I.C. Ribeiro, G. Soares de Carvalho e Manuel
Senos Matias (1999),
“Some Neotectonic Indicators in Quaternary Formations of the
Northwest Coastal Zone of Portugal”, Phys. Chem.
Earth, vol. 24, no. 4, pp 323-336.
R. Moura e
Manuel Senos Matias
(1999), “Radar de Penetração (GPR: Ground
Penetrating Radar) aplicado ao estudo de fracturação
em marmores do anticlinal de Estremoz (Alentejo –
Portugal)”, Comunicações Instituto Geológico
Mineiro, tomo 86, 289-300.
Matias,M.J., Marques da Silva,M., Ramalho,E.,
Matos,J.e Teixeira,F.
(1999), “De Regresso à Lixeira de Ovar”, Actas da 6ª
Conferência Nacional sobre a Qualidade do Ambiente,
volume 3, 143-152.
Belmiro Cabral,
Helder Tareco, Manuel Marques da Silva e Manuel
Senos Matias
(1999), “Estudo Geofísico Preliminar da Contaminção
de Aquíferos pela lixeira de Ilhavo”, Actas do
Seminário de Águas Subterrâneas, Associação
Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos, LNEC, Lisboa, 14pp.
Manuel J. Senos Matias,
(1999),“ Electrical Anisotropy parameters
and resistivity sounding interpretation”,
Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of the
Environmental and Engineering Geophyisical Society
(European Section), Budapeste, Hungria, Em9-EM10.
Figueiredo,F. and Senos Matias,M.
(1999), “Contamination Plume Evaluation of Two
Ditches using Frequency Domain Electromagnetic
Method”, Proceedings of the 5th Meeting
of the Environmental and Engineering Geophyisical
Society (European Section), Budapeste, Hungria,
Moura,R. and Senos Matias,M.
(1999), “Shallow Seismic Reflection results
in the Vouga Basin region (Northern Portugal)”,
Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of the
Environmental and Engineering Geophyisical Society
(European Section), Budapeste, Hungria, SeP3 1-2.
Moura, R.P., Moura,R.M.,
Nave, S., Marques da Silva, M., Senos Matias,M.(2000),
“Geophysical Methods in Shallow Coastal Aquifers
Exploration - Ovar Dunes (NW Portugal)”, Actualidad
de las Tecnicas Geofisicas Aplicadas en
Hidrogeologia, Instituto Tecnologico Geominero de
Espana, editores M. Olmo Alarcon y J.A Lopez Geta,
2000, 341-346.
M. Marques da
Silva e M. Senos Matias
(2000), “Métodos Eléctricos e Captações em Granitos
do Maciço Hespérico: Exemplos no Centro de
Portugal”, Textos de las Jornadas, Mesa Redonda y
comunicaciones Las Aguas Subterrâneas en el Noroeste
de la Peninsula Ibérica, Editores J. Samper, T.
Leitao, L. Fernandez y L. Ribeiro,A Coruña, Espanha,
H. Tareco, B.
Cabral, F. Teixeira, J. Matos, N. Baptista, R.
Castelbranco, M. Matias, F. Almeida,
(2000), “Caracterização de um local de Ensaios
Geofísicos”, Actas da 2ª Assembleia Luso- Espanhola
de Geodesia e Geofísica, Lagos, 279-280.
Manuel Senos Matias, M. Marques da Silva, Belmiro
Cabral e Helder Tareco
(2000), “An Em and GPR survey to study and monitor
aquifers contamination by a landfill”, European
Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Extended
Abstracts volume 2, P106, ISBN 90-73781-12-4,
Martinho, F. Almeida and Manuel Senos Matias,
2000, “Time Domain Induced Polarization
Investigations in contaminated areas”, Proceedings
–Extended Abstracts - 6th Meeting of the
Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society
(European Section), Bochum, Germany,P-EL06, 4pp.
Matos Dias, F. Figueiredo, M. Morais, M. Portugal
Ferreira and Manuel Senos Matias,
2000, “Upgrading of discharge rates using
Geophysical and Structural Analysis: SanGemil Spa
(Central Portugal)”, Proceedings –Extended Abstracts
- 6th Meeting of the Environmental and
Engineering Geophysical Society (European Section),
Bochum, Germany,P-HY01, 4pp.
Senos Matias, M. Marques da Silva, L. Gonçalves, C.
Peralta and C. Grangeia,
2001, “A Geophysical Survey to investigate aquifers
contamination by graveyards, Proceedings of the 63rd
EAGE Conference, Amsterdam, Holanda, ISBN
90-73781-18-3, volume 1, M008, 4pp.
M. Senos Matias,
2001, “Geofísica Aplicada ao ambiente: Objectivos,
âmbito e alguns exemplos, Comunicações do Instituto
Geológico Mineiro, t.88, 223-236
Senos Matias,
2001, “Tripotential Resistivity Methods and cavity
detection, Proceedings of the 7th
Environmental and Engineering Geophyisical Society
(European Section), Birmingham, Inglaterra, 62-63.
Senos Matias,
2002, “Square array anisotropy measurements and
resistivity sounding interpretation, Journal of
Applied Geophysics, 49, 185-194.
“Proceedings of the 8th Environmental
and Engineering Geophysical Society, European
Section (EEGS-ES), Annual Meeting, Aveiro, Portugal,
ISBN 972-789-071-7, 566pp, editores M. Senos
Matias and C. Grangeia.
Grangeia, M. Senos Matias, F. Almeida, C. Gomes and
F. Rocha
, 2002, “GPR surveying with a remote controlled pulling system,
Proceedings of the 64th EAGE Conference,
Florence, Italy, vol. 2, P046, 4pp.
Moura and M. Senos Matias,
2002, “Shallow Seismic Reflection profiling with a
towed geophone system: preliminary results”,
Proceedings of the 8th Environmental and
Engineering Geophysical Society (European Section),
ISBN 972-789-071-7, 249-252.
Lourenço and M. Senos Matias, 2002, “A first
Geophysical Survey to investigate the Teloes Basin”,
Proceedings of the 8th Environmental and
Engineering Geophysical Society (European Section),
ISBN 972-789-071-7, 417-420.
Figueiredo, M. Senos Matias and M.R. Ferreira,
2002, “Gravity Anomaly map of the Lower Vouga Basin
–Aveiro, North/Central Portugal”, Proceedings of the
8th Environmental and Engineering
Geophysical Society (European Section), ISBN
972-789-071-7, 439-442. |