In 1994, the Order of
the Engineers decided to create a system of creditation of
the engineer courses. On a sumarized form, it may be
affirmed that there are two, more direct, consequnces
regarding the declaration of the creditation of a course
by the OE: in first place, the creditation is the
recognition of the quality of the initial formation
offered by the course, in hand, for the exercise of the
engineer profission; in second place, the graduates by
that course are released from doing the admission test for
the OE. Note that, according to the data received in 2000,
of the 277 graduations in engineering existing in
Portugal, only 77 were credited by the Order of Engineers.
The Engineering Geology
Course of the University of Aveiro was the first course on
Engineering of Geology in Portugal to be credited by the
Order of Engineers (http://www.ordeng.pt).
Since then, the creditation has been uninterruptedly
renewed until today.
The last renovation of the
creditation was aproved, for a period of three years, in 23
of January of 2003, by the National Directing Council of the
Order of Engineers, based on the "Opinion" of the Commision
of the Creditation of Engineering Geology.
In 2002/2003 a curriculum
revision of the Engineering Geology Course came into force,
which, amoung other aspects, an approach attempt was made to
the curriculum organization considered as more adequate by
the OE, having had, in the new structure of the course (comparing
to the previous situation), a reinforcement of the basic
subjects (actually corresponding to 24% of the global period
of classes) and the optional subjects (5 to 8%). The new
curriculum organization offers as well: the increase of the
practical componente of the learning of the geosciences
subjects, such as the insertion of five subjects of Field
Geology; the definition of specialization areas adapted to
actual relevante issues, to know, Geotecnic, Geo-resources,
Geo-environmental Studies and Marine Geology.