University of Aveiro : Department of Geosciences : Laboratories : Flame Photometry

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Flame Photometry Laboratory


 Fotómetro de Chama Flame Photometer

  Analisador de Partículas Sedigraph Particle Analyser Sedigraph

  Fotómetro de Chama Flame Photometers


Prof. Celso de Figueiredo Gomes



- Flame Photometers (2): Corning 400 e Jenway PFP7
- Sedigraph Particle Analyser

Other equipment: ovens, furnaces, pressure devices, mills, precision scales



This laboratory is devoted to the preparation of samples and the physical and chemical characterization of materials applied to the study of geological resources. It is used for lecturing the practicals of the following subjects: Industrial Minerals and Rocks, Clays, final year projects and Seminar, and post-graduate research.


©2002 University of Aveiro

Development: Department of Geosciences
Comments and Suggestions