University of Aveiro : Department of Geosciences : Laboratories : Marine Geophysics

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Marine Geophysics Laboratory


 Magnetómetro protónico Magnetometer Fishers Proton 3


Processamento e interpretação de perfis sísmicos

Seismic processing and interpretation


Interpretação de perfis sísmicos do Golfo de Cádiz Interpretation of seismic profiles from the Gulf of Cadiz


Luís Menezes Pinheiro



-Marine magnetometer Fishers Proton 3
-2 Graphical Workstations (PC/XP/Linux and Power PC) for processing and interpretation of multichannel seismic data (2D and 3D)
-Plotter HP755CM



-Seismic Processing Workshop (SPW, Parallel Geoscience Corp.)
-Kingdom Suite Interpretation Package (Seismic Micro-Tecnology)
-GMT, ArcView, IDL



Research in marine geology and geophysics, with special emphasys on the acquisition (in collaboration with the Dep. Marine Geology of the Geological and Mining Institute), processing and interpretation of multichannel reflection seismics (industry and deep seismics), high resolutoin single channel  – Chirp, Boomer and Sparker) to study the geology and marine resources of continental margins (incluing gas hydrates and hydrocarbons) and for the geological invstigation of coastal and shelf environments, in particular estuaries and "Rias".


©2002 University of Aveiro

Development: Department of Geosciences
Comments and Suggestions