Geology Laboratory
Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS)VGTM Sector 54
Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS)
VGTM Sector 54
"Clean" Laboratory
"Clean" Laboratory
Maria do Rosário Azevedo
Jorge Medina
José Francisco Santos
Sara Monteiro
- Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS)
VGTM, Sector 54 equipped with 7 Faraday Cups
and one Daly Detector -Clean Room- air class 100 -
equipped with 4 propilene fume exausters with gas
washing, three laminar flux chambers, ion-exchange
columns, one quartz distiller, one system for water
purification Milli-Q, one precision scale, one oven.
The Isotope Geology
Laboratory is part of the Central Laboratory of
Analises of the University of Aveiro, responsible
for the execution and service providing of
The Isotope Geology Laboratory is presently
routined for the determination of the abundance of
trace elements (Rb, Sr, Sm, Nd) and isotope ratios
(Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd) in geological materials.
The high degree of analytical sofistication of
this laboratoty allows relevant quantitative
information to be aobtained to constrain the
evolution of our Planet. It has also aplication in
Mineral Exploration, environmental geochemistry
and metalogenesis. In a near future, isotope
analysis of Pb-Pb, U-Pb e Re-Os, will be performed
in this laboratory.