University of Aveiro : Department of Geosciences : Laboratories : X-Ray

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X-Ray Laboratory


 Difractómetro de Raios X X-Ray Difractrometer Philips

  Difractómetro de Raios X X-Ray Difractrometer Philips

  Espectrómetro de Infra-Vermelhos Infra-Red Spectrometer with Fourier Transform (FTIR)


Prof. Celso de Figueiredo Gomes



- X- Ray Diffractometer Phillips (2): (PW-1730/10 e X’Pert Pro)
-1 X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Phillips PW 1400
-1 Infra Red Spectrometer with Fourier Transform (FTIR): Bio-Rad FTS 175C

Other equipment: 1 mufla, 1 pressure device, 1 hot air chamber, 1 precision scale



This laboratory is devoted to the research in Mineralogy and geochemistry applied to the study of geological materials. It also is used for teaching Seminar, 5th-year projects and post graduate studies. It also supplies services of mineralogical and chemical analises of materials.


©2002 University of Aveiro

Development: Department of Geosciences
Comments and Suggestions