University of Aveiro : Department of Geosciences : Courses : Eng. Geology : Strat. & Paleont.

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Subject: Stratigraphy and Paleontology



2/0/2; 3.0 UC; 2nd year/2nd semester



Introduction to basic concepts of stratigraphy and paleontology and its application in the reconstitution of the history of the Earth. Analysis of stratigraphical series. Sedimentary environments and facies analysis. Study tecniques in stratigraphy and paleonotology.



Knowledge and comprehension of the concepts  and fundamental principles of stratigraphy and paleonotology. Development of practical qualifications in the domain of the analysis of stratigraphical registers and of the fossil identification.


Programme Contents:


Principles of stratigraphy. Units of stratigraphy and correlations. Sedimentary environments and faceis analysis. Life origin, evolution and fossil register. Morphology, taxonomy, filogeny and tafonomy of the main groups of fossils. Paleoecology. Reconstitution of the history of the Earth from the fossil and stratigraphical register. Fossil-stratigraphical register and global changes.


Analysis of stratigraphical register. Fossil identification.


Methodologies of Teaching:

Theoretical and practical formal classes. Field trips.



Periodical evaluation with two tests (the theoretical and practical parts, together), corresponding one to the Stratigraphy module and the other to the Paleontology module.



General Geology.



This subject is also lectured to the graduation of Teaching Biology and Geology.


©2002 University of Aveiro

Development: Department of Geosciences
Comments and Suggestions