University of Aveiro : Department of Geosciences : Courses : Eng. Geology : Ph. Rem. Sen. SIG

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Subject: Photogeology, Remote Sensing and Geographic
               Information Systems



2/0/3; 3.0 UC; 4th year / 2nd semester.



Introduction of methodological basis for the interpretation of aerial photography on geology. Processing techniques and image analysis. Application of the geographic information systems and remote sensing. Processing tecniques and territorial information analysis.



Assimilation of methodological basis for the interpretation of aerial photography and of the processing tecniques and image analysis and territorial information. Acquisition of practical qualifications in the domain of photogeology and remote sensing.


Programme Contents:


Basis for the interpretation of aerial photography; processing techniques and image analysis; introduction to geomorphological photointerpretation; application of techniques of geomorphological analysis to engineering problems; cartography of soils, hydrology and planning; principles and applications of the geagraphic information systems and remote sensing, techniques of acquisition, processing and analysis of territorial information.


Techniques of geological photointerpretation; application of the geographic information systems and remote sensing, techniques of processing and analysis of territorial information.


Methodologies of Teaching:

Theoretical and practical formal classes.



Periodical evaluation, with two tests (the theoretical and practical parts, together).



General Geology.



Cartography and Topography.



©2002 University of Aveiro

Development: Department of Geosciences
Comments and Suggestions