Applied Geophysics to Engineering and
2/2/0; 3.5 UC; 5th year / 2nd semester.
of geophysical prospection of low depth. Seismic
prospection of refraction and reflection.
Geoelectrical methods. Surface georadar.
Geophysical methods on prospection drillings.
Geophysical scan. 1D, 2D and 3D methods.
Application to the characterization of terrains
and bulks of foundation in geotechniques.
Application to the monitorization of environment
parameters of soils and aquifers. Application on
archaeology. Ultra-sonic methods of evaluation
of the integrity of elements of Civil
Engineering construction.
Theoretical and Practical:
Study of real cases. Planning of a campaign of
prospection and interpretation of results on case-types
of applied geophysical prospection to Civil Engineering,
Hydrogeology, Environment and Archaeology.