University of Aveiro : Department of Geosciences : Courses : Eng. Geology : Field Geology V

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Subject: Field Geology V/Tutorial



0/0/2; 1.0 UC; 4th year / 1st semester.



Student familiarization with geophysical data acquisition, processing, modelation and interpretation techniques.



Development of qualifications on relationship and application of given concepts. Acquisition of practical and instrumental qualifications on planning and execution of geophysical investigations. Development of organizational capacities and team work.


Programme Contents:

Field campaign in geochemistry of 1 week duration.


Handling and interpretation of data obtained in the field. Elaboration and presentation of a written report and/or poster.


Methodologies of Teaching:

    Field classes and tutorials.



Continuous and written report or poster appreciation.



Applied Geophysics I, Field Geology III.



The tutorials of these classes will function with the same rules of the laboratorial practical classes (maximum ner. of students: 15; fault regimen; accounting for the Teaching service).



©2002 University of Aveiro

Development: Department of Geosciences
Comments and Suggestions