University of Aveiro : Department of Geosciences : Courses : Eng. Geology : General Geology

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Subject: General Geology


2/1/4; 4.5 UC; 1st year / 2nd semester



Introduction to basic concepts for the study of Earth Sciences: geological materials; geological processes; dynamics of the Earth; geological resources; geological risks. Study techniques on geosciences.



Knowledge and comprehension of the geological sciences concepts, principles and theories. Development of practical qualifications in the domain of the identification and classification of rocks and minerals in hand samples and reading and interpretation of topographical and geological charts.


Programme Contents:


Minerals and rocks: identification and classification criteria. Earth's structure and composition. Earth's geological cicle and dynamics. Geneses and occurence mode of igneous rocks. Igneous processes. Plutonism and vulcanism. Geneses and occurence mode of sedimental rocks. Sedimental processes. Geneses and occurence mode of metamorphical rocks. Metamorphical processes. Geological structures. Geological time: chronostratigraphical and geochronological scales.


Minerals and rocks: macroscopic identification and classification criteria. Introduction to reading and interpretation of topographical and geological charts.


Methodologies of Teaching:

Theorectical and practical formal classes. Field trips.



Written theorectical exame (60%) and written practical exame (40%).



None. This subject is a pre-requirement for all the subjects under geoscience's area.



©2002 University of Aveiro

Development: Department of Geosciences
Comments and Suggestions