Subject: Geomathematics
Scholarity: |
3.0 UC; 3rd year / 2nd semester.
Objectives: |
Introduction to fundamental concepts of
probabilistic modelation of phenomena of interest to
Engineering Geology. Incertainity concept. Basic
tools for handling and statistical analysis of data.
Applications to problems of Engineering Geology. |
Assimilation of basic concepts of probability and
statistic. Development of qualifications of
knowledge application in the resolution of problems
of Engineering Geology. Development of
qualifications of computational numeracy and
literacy. |
Theoretical: |
Descriptive statistics. Elementary theory of
probability. Random variables. Group
distribuitions of probability. Univaried
discrete distribuitions. Univaried continuous
distribuitions. Random sampling. Punctual
estimation. Estimation by period. Tests of
hypothesis. Non-parametrical tests. Variance
analysis. Regression. Applications to problems
of Engineering Geology. |
Practical: |
Resolution of applicational exercises. |
Methodologies of
Theorectical and
practical formal classes with computers. |
Evaluation: |
theorectical exame (60%) and written practical
exame (40%).
Pre-requirements: |
Calculus I, Linear Algebra and
Analitical Geometry, Calculus II, Programming in
Fortran, Numerical Methods, Geodynamics. |