University of Aveiro : Department of Geosciences : Courses : Eng. Geology : Geochemistry

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Subject: Geochemistry


2/0/3; 3.0 UC; 3rd year / 1st semester.



Deepning of knowledge on Geochemistry. Application of geochemistry in the resolution of problems in natural systems. Laboratorial techniques of geochemistry analysis.



Knowledge and comprehension of fundamental concepts in geochemistry. Development of capacities in relating and application of given concepts. Development of practical and instrumental qualifications in the domain of geochemistry.


Programme Contents:


Fundamental concepts. Applications of thermodynamics to the comprehension of geological processes. Geochemistry of igneous rocks. Meteorization and soils - geochemical aspects. Geochemistry of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Geochemistry of the natural waters. Geochemistry of metamorphical rocks. Geochemistry tranfers between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. Stable isotopes and tracing elements. Instable isotopes in igneous and metamorphical processes - isotopical geology. Applications of the geochemistry in the resolution of problems of natural systems.


Laboratorial techniques of geochemistry analysis; hygiene and security in the working place.


Methodologies of Teaching:

Theorectical and practical formal classes with laboratorial componente.



Final exame upon the theorectical and practical componentes.






This subject is commun to the graduation in Teaching of Biology and Geology.


©2002 University of Aveiro

Development: Department of Geosciences
Comments and Suggestions