Subject: Modelation
of Subterranean Hydrical Resources
3.5 UC; 5th year / 1st semester. |
Introduction to the modelation of underground
flow. Regional simulation and tendencies.
Evaluation of hydric resources. Models of
transportation of mass and/or contaminantes.
Hydrogeochemical modelation (PHREEQC-2).
Evolution of plumes and
contamination. Definition of parameters for
captation protection. Joint use of GIS and
models of underground flow. Study of aquifer
Theoretical and Practical:
Model concept. Equations and numerical methods.
Saturated, non-saturated and fracturated means.
Multifase flow. Conseptual model and mesh drawing.
Conditions of contour. Simulations in permanent and
transitory regimen. Calibration. Advective-dispersive
transportation. Hydrochemical speciation. Use of
GIS/models of underground waters.