Master in Geochemistry
Scientific Areas: |
Destined to: |
Geologists, geology engineers, mining enguneers,
environment engineers, chemists, chemical engineer
and profissionals in the area of prospection and
mining exploitation. |
Forming specialists in pure and applied geochemistry.
Forming boards of public sector (superior school
studies, statel laboratories) or of the private
sector, bonded to geologic studies - mining and
environmental. The domains of specialization include
the following areas: geochemistry, experimental
geochemistry, environmental sciences, GIS,
geostatistics, hydrogeology/hydrochemistry, mining
exploitation, mineral deposits. |
Contact/Coordenator: |
Name: Fax: Telephone: E-mail: |
Prof. Doutor Eduardo Anselmo
F. da Silva +351 234 370605 +351 234 370759 eafsilva@geo.ua.pt
The enrolment is admitted for those who are
titularies of the graduations in Biology (Scientific
and Educational areas), in Geology (Scientific and
Educational areas), in teaching of Geology and
Biology (Educacional area) and still graduates of
equivalente areas or legally equivalente
qualifications, and in all the referred cases with
minimum qualification of 14 marks. Exceptionally, in
justified situations, may the coordenating commity
of the Master Degree admit the application of the
candidates of whose curriculum demonstrates an
adequate complementary scientific formation,
although their qualification being inferior to 14
Exceptionally, in justified situations, may the
coordenating commity of the Master Degree admit
the application to the registration on the course
titularies of other applications or degree
considered equivalente and by curriculum
demonstrates an adequate scientific preparation base.
Date of initiation: |
Beginning of the
2nd semestre of the academic year 2001/2002 (Febuary/2002). |
Date of conclusion
of the scholar componente: |
Of conclusion of
the 1st semestre of the academic year 2002/2003
(Febuary/2003) |
Time-table: |
Fridays 10-13 and
at 14 to 18 o'clock and Saturdays form 9-13
o'clock. |
Type of lecturing: |
Presential |
Regulation: |
Regulation on the
Rectoral Dispatch
83-R/94, published on the D. R. n.er 276, II Serie, de
29/11/94 |